Sunday, May 20, 2012

Apple "MacBook Touch" MultiTouch Tablet Concept "iPad"

Apple "MacBook Touch" MultiTouch Tablet Concept "iPad" Video Clips. Duration : 3.02 Mins.

***Updated with Product Specs*** This is a video I put together for a Product Management class in the MBA program at Georgia State University in early 2008. The video is meant to illustrate the MacBook Touch concept - a tablet computer that uses Apple's multi-touch technology. For the class project we were required to come up with a new product concept and develop the idea using Product Development and Management techniques learned in class. The video was put together using iMovie '08 and is my first attempt at making a video. Several of the clips were taken from Apple videos on the internet, and some were recorded by me in order to simulate using multi-touch on a tablet computer. The concept mockup photos were done with Microsoft Paint. The video of Mute Math playing at the end is from their Flesh and Bones Electric Fun DVD. There are a few mistakes in the video and some things I would have liked to do differently had I had the time, but I was working on a short schedule trying to put the rest of the project together. Overall I think the video came out well and made a nice ending to the final presentation in class. Music: "Reset" by Mute Math Video created by John Fudge ****Update**** Some have messaged me and asked what the final specifications looked like for the project. Here are some of the potential specifications that were settled on using a combination of Conjoint Analysis, visual product mock-ups, an 8 person Focus Group, and specs of some of Apple's current ...

Keywords: Apple, macbook, Touch, Concept, Marketing, Project, Tablet, Computer, Multi-touch, Mute, Math, Reset, islate, ipad

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